“Serving the citizens of my community for the past 30 years has been a very rewarding experience.”
The Undersheriff provides administrative and management assistance to the Sheriff in planning, directing and reviewing all functions and activities of the Sheriff’s Office. Works directly with the Sheriff to establish, coordinate, and implement departmental policies and procedures. Ensures the agency complies with federal, state, and local laws.
In addition to directly assisting the Sheriff, he plans, organizes, directs and coordinates the day-to-day operations of the separate divisions within the Sheriff’s Office. The Undersheriff may act for, or in the absence of, the Sheriff, as authorized by the Sheriff.
Uniform Patrol Division
“A leader is the one, who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.”
Captain Crews serves as a vital part of the Sheriff’s Command Staff. He consults daily with the Sheriff and Undersheriff to meet the challenges of managing a 200-employee law enforcement agency in Baker County with a population of over 28, 000 and over 600 square miles
Responsible for the management and direct supervision of the Administration of the Baker County Sheriff’s Office including but not limited to the following divisions: Records, Civil Service, Evidence, Property, Agency Asset Management, Fleet Service and Management, Building/Grounds Maintenance, Revise and Review of Agency Policies and Procedures.
Captain Crews directly manages and supervises the Uniform Patrol Division and 911 Communications Division, ensuring various reports are complete, accurate, and submitted and processed in a timely manner to file cases.
Emergency Management
“When I think of my role in Emergency Management and over 30 years in law enforcement, I always look to the quote by Richard Cushing,
“Plan Ahead: It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.””
The Baker County Office of Emergency Management will ensure, through coordination with county and local shareholders, that the county is prepared to respond to, and recover from, all natural and man-made emergencies. This office will provide the leadership and support for the team to reduce the loss of life and property through an all-hazards emergency management program of mitigation, preparedness, response, and recovery throughout Baker County.
Director John Blanchard has over thirty years in law enforcement. He has worked in and supervised specialized units including a Street Crimes Unit and Multijurisdictional Task Force. He is a graduate of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement (FDLE) Chief Executive Seminar. Director Blanchard has been a certified FDLE Instructor and teaching law enforcement subjects since 1992. Director Blanchard also has experience in emergency management, compliance, safety and security in the fields of law enforcement and health care.
Corrections Division
“Doubting yourself means you don’t believe in yourself. Failure is NEVER an option. Confidence comes from within yourself.”
Captain Blue is responsible for day-to-day operations, personnel, facilities, and programs within the Detention Center. The coordination of correctional activities with all elements of the criminal justice system including state and local law enforcement agencies and the public. Captain Blue supervises and evaluates the work of detention deputies’ duties, training, records management, and personnel.
In addition to the above duties, Captain Blue develops and maintains operational policies and procedures for the detention center and makes routine inspections of the facility to ensure procedures are properly enforced and programs delivered as scheduled. She ensures compliance with federal, state and local statutes regarding facility operation and administration.
Finance Director
“The most rewarding part of my job is providing accurate data to the Sheriff so he can make informed decisions that benefit the Sheriff’s Office and Baker County.”
Jeffrey Cox serves as the Finance Director. April 2020 marked his 11th year with the Sheriff’s Office, having served for two sheriffs. The overall budget for the Sheriff’s Office is just over $16 million and it includes law enforcement, corrections, dispatch, judicial services, E911, emergency management, and several other grants and agreements.
The Finance Director position has several responsibilities which include; budgeting, payroll, purchasing, accounts payable, accounts receivable, health insurance, professional liability, vehicle insurance, contract management, and many other duties.
Special Operations
“The Special Operations division strives to do their best for the community and work tirelessly to solve crimes and make the community a better place to live for all.
I always remind my team to work hard and stay focused on the goals and it will result in success. ”
As Captain of the Special Operations Division, Capt. Bryant is responsible for and oversees the Investigative Operations Division, which includes a Detective Unit comprised of an Investigative Ops Sgt. and four detectives, a victim advocate and crime analyst. Under the investigative division is a narcotics unit with four assigned detectives. Several other areas of responsibility is the Integrity Unit, School Resource Unit, and the Training Unit. The School Resource Unit is comprised of a sergeant, a corporal and four deputies, included in this section is the Honor Guard Unit and the school crossing guards. It is my responsibility to provide leadership and assist these units in the performance of their duties on a daily basis.
Gerald Ray Rhoden
Courthouse Security & Transportation
“It is an honor to serve the people of Baker County. Being born and raised in this community makes it even more of a privilege to be able to serve here.”
Lt. Rhoden began his career with the Baker County Sheriff’s Office 23 years ago. Along with a wide range of experience, Lt. Rhoden is certified in both Corrections and Law Enforcement. He has worked in various divisions including Patrol, School Resource, Civil Process, Investigations and currently serves as the Lieutenant over Courthouse Security & Transportation.